Making Your Blog Brandable
A Blog is no longer just a tool to write and express what you want online. It is now becoming more like of a tool to brand yourself, your company or your product and make a profile on the net.
Blogging is undoubtedly the most convenient and effecient way if you want to have your own net profile and space. it gives you an identity that gives people some information about you. If you howver want to have a business blog, It works as building up a profile for your product.
Branding is a factor that every marketeer needs to associate his products with. The following tips below will help you have the ideas on branding your blog.
Interact with your readers!
Don't make your site like a book, make it more interactive to your readers. This way the readers feel that they are on a blog that has a real person working and monitoring it and not a robot or software.
Design Your Blog!
A default site layout and template that comes packaged on blog softwares is no longer the norm in blogging. Not only does it make your blog look like most of the other generic blogs, Customize the way your blog looks! it does not only make your blog unique but it also indicates your seriousness about the appearance.
Try to look on the previous post about "How to make your blog look professional". It should help you make your blog look more branded
If you don't know anything about coding to design your blog, No need to worries! You can odify the main factor of a blog's design, Like the header, the sidebars and the background. Most of the blogging softwares gives you an easy control to change the way your blog look.
But if you are really serious on branding your blog. You could opt on Hiring a designer, that can make quite a lot of difference for your blog by adding aesthetics to it and giving it the ‘believable’ impact.
Make your post!
Another useful Blog Tip is to remain consistent with your style of writing and to maintain the same tone throughout the post. This is important since it does not break the link of the reader. It gives the reader the sense and the same feeling when they read your posts and thus helping your blog's identity.
Make a
Displaying your own custom logo will help tremendously in creating recognition for your site. It makes your blog readers know your identity more and the best of it is that logos makes your blog distinguished from others.
Write better!
Audiences are uncomfortable reading through run-on sentences. Hence, it is always better to use proper grammar, otherwise readers will stop trying to understand what is being written in the content. So it's better to proofread all of your blog posts before publishing it,
Also Short paragraphs are always the better option while trying to make your point. It helps the readers to keep their attention for long enough. Like in this blog post i have divide the post into short paragraphs.
Have a unique offer!
Last but not least, trying to give unique offerings on your blog, like daily pictures, quotes, comics could help the readers to remember you better but this offering should be according to your blog niche and not just random! It also makes your blog yours and unique.
With these tips, You should now have some ideas on how to brand your blog. Try doing the things above and it's worth the try. Make your brandable blog!
(source : )
3:16 PM
Tips and Trick

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- Aditya Pristyhari
- simple ordinary boy live in ordinary world and looking for ordinary love..
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